Adversal Review And How To Get More Revenue
This ads network count all impression / 100% fill rate.
You must have website with minimum of 50,000 page views per month.
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You can place maximum 4 banner ads in 1 page.
Adversal also have ministitial ads = ads that load when your website load. It's less intrusive than pop-up ads.
To get more revenue you can use its referral system. With this method, besides you get money from your own website / blog, you also get money from your referral:
1. Login to your account. Click get code. Click referral link.
2. Promote that link everywhere you like.
3. For every person that you refer, you get 10% commission from their earnings.
4. Here's proof
adversal referral |
Adversal payment proof
Adversal Payment Proof |
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